Sunday, December 9, 2012


The Spirit of Christmas seems to sleep through the year,
Now to awaken, bringing all Its good cheer.
Its slumber is over, no quiet repose
Can keep the spirit away from its foes

When it's throughout the year we really should 'Give'
Helping each other act the way we should 'Live'!
But weseem to keep it this part of the year,
Bringing all who we see a bit of 'Good Cheer',

Remember, only we can spread it abroad,
(A glorious gift, not given by fraud)
As you open this gift, throughout the year,
Re-awaken this Spirit, bringing all its good cheer;

My hope and my prayer is these greetings would bring
To you and your's, a Christmas blessing
Of kindness, of goodness, of hope in mankind,
Full of the Love and the Joy all hope to find!

These Christmas greetings I'm sending your way,
They're tied with a ribbon (like a gift on a sleigh).
This is my 'gift' to you this Christmas time
Full of the Love and the Joy I hope 'you' might find.

Rochelle Halling
Christmas 2011